Friday, May 2, 2014

=9s= JIGGLE BOOTY 1.1 Fittted Mesh - 7 DEADLY s[K]ins February's Valery

Nines Ramsay has come out with the =9s= JIGGLE Booty  2000L$.  This Fitted Mesh Booty has slider control of Hip Width, Hip Length, Butt Size and Saddle Bags.  I have the Hips and Butt Sliders on 50 and the Saddle Bags on 0.  This Mesh Ass comes with individual asses for Skin, Tattoo-Underpant, and Pant layers. This may help with the SL Bug that messes up clothing layers, I didn't have any issues, but I don't have issues all that often. Also as with all Fitted mesh, you can get  your "JIGGLE" on...

The SKIN: 7 Deadly s[K]ins February Group Gift Valery came with Tango and Phat Azz appliers.  Izara makes some lovely skins and does make Tango, Phat Azz, Loud Mouth and SLink Hand and Feet appliers.  

7 Deadly s[K]ins is on the Cleavage Sim so enjoy looking around, and even drop by the Tango Clothing - Phat Azz Lovers Groups Office.  

1 comment:

  1. Jiggle Booty has been updated, it works with leg muscle too. It just doesn't work with Body Fat or Belly Slider, they are set at 0. -Nines
